Just two chocolate chip cookies – lightly crisp around the edge, and dense and buttery through the middle. They are thick enough to sink your teeth into and just really, really good.
I Make These Giant Cookies At Least Once a Week.

I really do. And it’s just one of those small joys.
These cookies are lightly crispy around the edges but buttery and dense through the middle, packed with melted chocolate and just all-around THERE FOR US right now. The texture is just right for me – I wanted them thick enough to really sink your teeth into, generally soft and slightly underbaked, but with a crisped bottom and edge layer to give it just a bit of satisfying contrast.
If you’re looking for tiny cookies, these are not it. I make absolutely no apologies for the size of these beauties. YOLO, baby.
How it usually goes in our house: the girls go to bed, we clean up the kitchen, Bjork sits down on the couch and queues up a show (currently in our reality TV junkie era) and then glances into the kitchen when he hears me clinking around with my little white bowl and spoon. He knows what is happening; this is a very regular occurrence. The show starts, the two giant cookies bake, and then we settle in with our glasses of milk and sink our teeth into these thick, decadent, crisped on the bottom and chewy on the inside chocolate chip cookies while we wait to find out who will accept the next rose and/or who doesn’t make it through Tribal Council. The littles are asleep upstairs and Sage is snuggled in at our feet and… it’s kind of the best thing in the world.
For a hard day, a beautiful day, a summer day or a snow day – somehow very huge warm chocolate chip cookies are just always exactly what feels right.

If you’re looking for more of a full batch situation, we have some really great cookie recipes on POY. These browned butter ones and these big soft chocolate chip ones – both rock solid, IMO.
But if, in the near future, you find yourself in a moment that could benefit from two giant chocolate chip cookies? You just come on back to this recipe. I’ll probably be making them in my house at the exact same time.
Frequently Asked Questions For These Two Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yes, I would suggest 1 teaspoon of flaxmeal in 1 teaspoon water. It will add a bit of texture to the cookie but that can be delicious, too.
Yes, I also tried a tablespoon of nut butter in place of the egg yolk / cornstarch / flax, and that was really yummy. The cookies were a bit heavier, but I liked them. I used almond butter, but peanut butter would be equally delicious.
To make these vegan, use a dairy-free butter and dairy-free chocolate chips and one of the egg replacements mentioned above!
Add a bit less flour next time – and for this batch, just tap your pan on the counter gently right after the cookies have come out of the oven to deflate them a bit.
Add a bit more flour next time, or melt the butter less.
Add just a touch more flour – a very, very light dusting – until a soft dough forms. You can also put the dough it the refrigerator to help it set, or add a tiny pinch more cornstarch.